Friday, June 27, 2008

Status Quoe

Things have settled down for now. Apparently, the police examiner had a "prior commitment" get in the way for the polygraph with Bubba. They called the lawyer to reschedule after the holiday. Though I am happy we can enjoy the holiday; I am pissed that it gets to "hang over" our head a little longer. I wish they would do the test and decide what they were going to do and do it already.

Superdaddy got a call about a job up in the sticks. As he put it, what is the difference being over the road or going local 4 hours from home? We probably will be moving up there within a year. Sure isn't on a mountain in Kentucky as I had wanted, but it is out of the city.

Part of me wants out of the city to never look back, but part of me knows I will miss it. The girls will be the ones to suffer in the short term and benefit in the long run. The ex is gonna blow a gasket when she finds out the plan.

Thanks for the note Amy. It means a lot to me.

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

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