Monday, June 09, 2008


How can something that was wanted so much feel so bad? If I hear one more time how do you know your pregnant you haven't gone to the doctor yet? I remember him doing this with Chicky and all but give me a break. Part of me thinks this may put a huge strain on our marriage. I mean I have been pregnant 5 times and it is not like I made my period go MIA. I think part of it is the fact that we have been trying going on 2 entire years. Part of the problem though is this...he is only home on weekends at best. How can one time ovulation on that?

I'm just not coping today. This weekend was very trying on me. I never did make it to the cemetery. My house is still a wreck, the laundry didn't get completed, and I have a sink full of dishes still. What did I do all weekend?

Next weekend is the school bus races. I asked him if he wanted to go. The kids love to go. It is a fun day out at the race track. He won't answer me. Like what the heck is he going to do if he is home alone?

The girls got their hair did this weekend. Will have to catch a pic of them to post. Miss J chopped hers very short so she can donate it to the kids with cancer. Chicky just wanted her bangs done but did end up with a little off the back.


Milenka said...

*hugs* My husband is one of those guys who can only deal with definites. I'm not sure he really believed that we were having the girls until they were born in some ways, and he definitely wasn't sure about this baby until we had the first scan. Maybe you're looking at something similar, mixed with the normal slight fear that any huge life change brings?

Amy Ritchie said...

i wish the best for you...and happiness. All you can do is take it a day at a time