Monday, July 28, 2008

Back from the Sticks

Our weekend was pretty much a bust. Very quiet, but very much spent in a hot van. Saturday we picked Bubba up from scout camp and headed up north almost to the bridge. Superdaddy was very thoughtful and picked me up a very cool birthday present. Too bad it is of no use to me this year as I cannot ride it until after Thumper is born. He got me a quad. Needs new plastics desperately, but heck I am spoiled it has no clutch and an electric start!! Leaving the house to go to scout camp is like an hour and 15 minutes away. Then heading up I-75 for another 275 miles. Then turning around and heading back down 75 for 50 miles than across the state for another 2 hours and then back down state another 90 minutes. Just in time for dinner, campfire and bed. After breakfast, Superdaddy took the quad for a spin. Runs nice. He even let me spin it around the acres for exactly 2 minutes or so (one time around the track) and then booted me off so we could take the kiddo's to the beach before heading home the 4 hours it takes us. All in all not a total bust, but it sure did suck to have to drive and keep driving.

To get home and see a jack stand perforate my driveway was so not cool. Mom's car broke down last week. It was at a store parking lot for 4 days or so and we were panicking about police towing it so my cousin came down to work on it. Only he had the "roadside assistance" tow it to my home instead. Somehow in the process, the passenger tire was removed from vehicle and placed in my back seat. The jack stand the car was on went through the parking lot at the store. I have a black top driveway and aforementioned family member had his head up his ya know what and left the damn car on the jack stand in my driveway. Said car and jack stand perforated my driveway and almost slammed the car down on the rotor. So not cool.

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I have a pic of my new ride on mom's camera. Will try to remember it tomorrow.

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