Thursday, July 17, 2008


Seems our home has come down with the cooties. The step kids had head lice, the girls have skirted by that one pfewww.

Bubba has sneezing and headaches.

Superdaddy has yucky belly requiring pepto or the likes of. That really sucks for him on the road.

Chicky had 3 shots yesterday and has a slight fever today; in this hot weather sucks.

I have a huge sinus issue going on. Have used almost a whole box of tissue today alone.

Miss J is the only one who has nothing buy needle phobia going on. She had to get 2 vaccines yesterday and was hysterical when the nurse came in with Chicky's stuff. When her nurse came in the little brat hid in the curtain hanging from the ceiling and told the nurse her name was Emily. Give me a break. She was kicking and screaming hysterically. Chicky was telling her it doesn't hurt and she didn't even cry. Bless her heart; she doesn't know she needs 3 more shots next month.

Have to stop on my way home from VBS and pick up some Lysol or something.

My friend who had her baby too early seems to be doing well. Wee Fox seems to be holding his own. Thank you for sending them positive vibes. Lets hope the little guy continues on the upward slope he is on.

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