Thursday, January 17, 2008

Maturity & Camp...Nice Combo.

So last weekend 2 moms and I took our older 10 girl scouts to weekend camp. We had a great time. Unbeknownst to myself though, the 4th and 5th graders had "the talk" at school. for the 60 minute drive, we heard talks about starting their cycle and maxi pads. Miss J asked me to take her shopping to buy the pads just in case she needed them at school. I know some girls start early, but she will only be 10. In the girl scout spirit (be prepared) we went shopping and got pads and pantie liners. Believe it or not, she wore one all weekend I believe by the amount out of the package. Sheesh it is starting already. Just in case.

My co-worker and I discussed this whole maturity issue. Her daughter will be 12 and well, she is grossed out. Co-worker advised daughter to start using pantie liner just in case and daughter had a total melt down. She was not going to use that stuff it was nasty. Poor thing is really in for a rude awakening.


Anonymous said...

Wow...the things I have to look forward to. I dread the day that G is old enough for any sort of "talk".

Lulu said...

HJ is 11.5 and I swear she is going to start soon. They had the talk at school last year and she was soooo grossed out!