Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Financial downer

This time of year is super depressing for me. Perhaps the hoopla of the holiday's; perhaps the financial loss from said hoopla's who knows. Miss J's has a friend who has a family similar to ours. He is younger though. She loves the family and the boy's sisters. They are all younger. The mother offered to have Miss J come over in the morning when I go to work. She drives the boy to school. Being cold and such I have been dropping her over there. The mother called last night, they are loosing their home to fore closure. They will have to move. They have 4 children and one step child. I am so sad for them. The dad lost his job and the market here sucks. He couldn't find a decent job right away. Heck even now he is making minimum wage and D H S seems to think minimum wage and 25 hours a week will support a family of 6 with 7 every other week. I cannot imagine how horrible and embarrassed she was to tell me this. Heck we are behind in our bills too. This could happen to us!!

Superdaddy had a super long break with the holidays. He was off from the evening Dec 21 until the evening of Jan 2. Short lived though. His truck took a crap Jan 4. He was supposed to leave out again Jan 6. He has been home because said truck is the shop. Though I enjoy his time home, he needs to get his rear end back to work! He is driving me nuts!!

To go along with the financial crap, PIA is crying about money again. Superdaddy pays what the courts ask him to pay and it is not enough for her. I bet we will be back to court soon. Now that she is living in a 3 bedroom home instead of a 2 bedroom apartment.

Here's to a better financial new year to all!

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