Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Somebody is watching me

Not that we are in a poor neighborhood or anything, but we are just outside the ghetto. By just outside, I mean we are like 3 city blocks away from it. Our neighborhood is mostly senior citizens who are passing away or going to nursing homes or wherever so renters are moving in. My mom's neighborhood which is less than a mile away is way rougher and "ghetto-fied". The point is I guess, I am not comfortable staying home alone now.

When Superdaddy started driving truck, I was having anxiety attacks. Things since have improved greatly. That is, until Saturday night. The house next to us was a renter when we moved in. They vacated about a year and a half ago. The owners were going to re-rent it out but decided to list for sale instead. It has been on the market for over a year. The housing market and job market in this state sucks.

Saturday, we were out pretty late. Hell 2 am or so. When we got home we noticed the front door at "Bob's" house was wide open. We flagged down a cop that was driving down the main road and had them check it out. They indicated no one was in there at that time and they locked it up but to call again if we noticed anything. Yesterday it was wide open again.

We have a G. Shepherd dog who is pretty petite. She is almost 6 years old and only weighs about 50lbs. She used to hang out at "Bob's" house when they lived there. Since they have moved out though she has only tried to go over there a few times. Since Xmas she has been traveling over there more and more. Pretty creepy if you ask me. Though we have not seen a person there, there appears to be "SQUATTERS" or kids playing over there.

Recent activities have made it so I don't feel safe with having the kids come home after school until grandma picks them up. I am totally wigged out at night. Superdaddy was startled enough to take a trigger lock off the 12g and leave some bird shot where I could find it. Better learn to sleep with my glasses on just in case.

Hell I better learn to shoot the damn gun.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Whoa! Now you have me all creeped out!

I've been having nightmares that my ex is breaking into our house....so I can definitely identify with that creepy feeling!