Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Anxious Dog

Last night after I got home from work Bubba took the dog out. Then he went to my cousin's house for a few hours. Of course it is winter time during this freak out and it is dark by the time I get home from work. While Bubba was at T's house, our dog "killer" would not move away from the front door. As in not even to chase the cat around. The door was locked though (told ya I was creeped out). Needless to say, while I was making our healthy dinner of mac n cheese, I swear the screen door opened. No one knocked. Even the dog perked her ears up and looked at the door. She didn't bark though which indicated to me it was someone we knew (?Bubba?). After about 30 seconds, i opened the door and no one was there.

Damn dog slept on top of me last night. Like literally on top of me. She was trying her hardest to be really super close to me. I had to kick her off the bed a few times, but when I rolled over, there she was again.

Nothing happened thank God just to add to the creepiness that has been happening. For the record, the door to the house was not opened last night when I got home nor was it opened this morning when I left the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that would be kind of scary. I live in a similar neighborhood. Not QUITE the hood, but definately not the burbs either. That's why the doorbell freaks me out.