Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I firmly believe misery loves company. PIA is very jealous of us. We have more than she does. Her stuff is nicer (house, car etc.) but we have "more". She does not think I can take care of her children the way she can. Like I am not capable of being a mother. Hell her kids already have a mother they sure do not need another one. I think part of it is I am not like her. I will never be like her. I treat our children like they all belong to me. They are treated equally with gifts, love, punishments etc.

One of my biggest pet peeves is simply LYING! I have lied in the past to my folks when I was growing up. The problem with lying is trying to keep the lies straight. She is a compulsive liar. She lies so much, she actually believes what she is saying is the truth. She lies to the kids, Superdaddy; everyone. The girls are becoming chronic liars as well. Example, before taking the kids home Monday, I was doing the clean clothes check (Lord knows if they went home with dirty clothes, we would have protective services at our home). Miss G let me see your undies; CHECK, socks; CHECK. Miss M let me see your undies; CHECK, socks; they are clean. No let me see them, they are clean I promise. No let me see them. SHE WASN'T WEARING ANY!! I took her to Superdaddy who asked her why she lied. She didn't. She was telling the truth. I told her if she was going to lie she was going to have to stay at her moms house and lie there because at our house lying was not acceptable. Sheesh. What is a Step-mom to do?

I think part of the reason PIA has a problem with me is that I am not like her. I do not lie or cheat. I do not blame my problems on anyone else. When I don't like how something is going or not going, I do something to fix it instead of blaming everyone else. I have integrity, honor and morals. If that makes me a horrible person than so be it.

The shit will hit the fan in the near future when she finds out we are expecting again. Good Lord I think I may need an umbrella when it comes raining down.


Milenka said...

Hold up! Expecting? Where did I miss this announcement? Congratulations! Details?

I think it's hard for a lot of people to admit that they screw up, though I honestly can't say that i understand why. A lot of really bad things have happened in my life, and I know that a lot of them weren't my fault. A lot of them *were* consequences of my decisions, though, or at least were made worse by my own free will. That said, I work hard every day to fix things, whether they were my doing or not. The way I see it, it doesn't matter who caused the problem because it needs to be fixed either way, right? In most cases, I find it easier to accept responsibility rather than arguing for an hour about who should be blamed. That way the fixing can get started quicker!

Reading back through this, i want to apologize if it seems like all of my comments about your life end up being all about me. I read and understand, but I'm not sure how to verbalize my understanding or support without putting it in terms of my own life. Sorry about that!

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