Friday, February 01, 2008


Our region is getting pounded with snow. Our kids had a snow day today and it appears the snow band missed our area and headed north. We only have about 2 inhes or so. Superdaddy left out yesterday before the beating began. I hope he made it as far as he needed to so he can make it home tomorrow morning. Part of me hopes he didn't make it as far as he needed to. Apprently, Pat is coming from the south and stops near where Superdaddy stops. She is there for her 10 hour break about 9 hours before Superdaddy. When he pulls in she is getting ready to leave. As Cynnie indicated in her comment she would be worried. Is that a coincidence they stop there? I don't know. My mind is playing games on me lately. I think Superdaddy and I need some alone time. So help me Lord, she better not call this weekend.

Perhaps I feel so insecure because of the neighborhood happenings. Who knows.

Speaking of neighborhood happenings. Last night there was a bike parked by a bush in front of my house across the street. Across the street is a brick wall and a few scattered bushes and trees for 1/4 of a mile. No homes. The bike stuck out like a sore thumb seeing how the bushes/trees are barrin from the winter. When I walked in from work, Bubba met me at the door asking if he can go next door and check it out. He thought he heard banging from the house. I told him to take "killer" with him just in case. Add that to the bike and what do you come up with? I didn't send him alone, I went through the front yard and sent him through the back yard. The window DPW boarded up is still boarded up.

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