Thursday, February 28, 2008

I think I am jealous

It is driving me nuts I tell ya. I think I am jealous of "Pat". How can I be jealous of someone I have never met? I think I am jealous of the time she spends on the phone with Superdaddy. I don't know. All I know is this...she was heading out of town and only a few miles behind him. They met up and had lunch and when he gassed up, she waited for him. She followed him until her turn off. He invited her and her children to come to our property to get away this summer. WTF? I guess it makes time go by when you have someone to talk to on the CB or whatever.

Last night I was thinking about this and asked myself how I would feel if it was a guy such as "John" meeting up with him. I have met "John" and he really is a whiney person. I think it is funny when they do cross paths because he sometimes gets annoyed by the whininess. When John calls on the phone however, I do get upset he calls on the weekend because it is my time.

I think I am jealous of someone I have never me :(


Amy Ritchie said...

I don't even know what to say. My heart hurts for you. I would be jealous too. And angry and not too trusting. Time doesn't permit right now but I hope to get an e-mail out to you real soon.

You are always such an encouragement to me and life is throwing you so much unfairness.


Anonymous said...

I'm a jealous person too, so don't feel bad. It's a natural reaction whenever anyone is in your "territory" vent on.