Thursday, February 07, 2008

My heart hurts

I have a step-daughter who is absolutely beautiful. She lives with my MIL. She will be 13 in August. We have not seen her in a little over 2 years. I occasionally seen her at Girl scout functions. I seen her Tuesday. This is cookie time for our scouts. I was helping a mom load the cookies in her car and Miss S walked by my moms house. That is where the cookies are being stored. She stopped to talk. She was so exicted to talk. I miss that little girl (who is taller than I am) more than words. My heart wretched up when she left. She gave me her email and asked me to email her. She also asked me to look her up on myspace. This will open up a whole can of worms with my MIL I am sure. I looked her up Tuesday night. I added her as my friend. Her screen name made me sad. It had her name followed by (hates her life). Tears poured down my cheek. What the heck has happened to this little girl? Looking through her pictures and stuff there is stuff that says "created to be hated" "loved by one hated by most". Mood (depressed). What can I do being that she is not allowed to come by us and we cannot go by her house. Chicky misses Miss S so much. I have brewed anger towards MIL because of all that happened and I don't know if I can ever get over it. I fogive her, but I will never forget it. My heart is broken; I am so worried about Miss S. I couldn't sleep Tuesday or Wednesday night. My heart hurts.

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