Saturday, September 15, 2007

You are never going to believe this

Just Thursday we had the conversation about DQ getting Superdaddy locked up right. Remember that post?

Low and behold, 9:37 am I was standing at the stove in my night shirt and undies and chicky helping me make panny cakes for daddy; and I hear HELLO? I yell back "What". Get this the response was "M..... County Sheriff's office" I think I peed my pants. I asked them to wait a second and then pictured them busting down the door with chicky and me in undies cooking. I opened the door...seen the badge...and asked if I could put pants on. Thank goodness he agreed. I put boxer shorts on and went back to the door. They were indeed looking for superdaddy. I went and got him out of bed. Wasn't because of DQ thank God. It was because of a past due bill of less than $700. The electric company is suing him. The sheriff's office was serving him.

Why oh why do they have to scare the crap out of a lady? So much for getting ahead.

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