Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Wow, the difference in 7 years. It has been 7 years since I have said Happy Birthday to you in person. Things have been moving along just swimmingly in our lives. The kids and I miss you so very much. Since you have become an angel, so many others have passed...my first hubby, his mom, you wife, almost fil.

I miss you so much. I lay awake some nights with regret. Regret that I didn't do many things with you, that we didn't spend enough time together; that the kids didn't get to know you as well as they should have.

So many things have gone unspoken. So many things are said now only in prayer.

Bubba is doing well in school. You would be proud of him. He wants to take auto mechanics in high school. Next year he will be in high school. Damn that makes me feel old. Only 4 short more years and then college. Eeek. He really wants your Corvette. If not yours from grandma, he wants to get one like yours. I told him dream on he needs a junker first. I think he is going to be a gear head like you. He is always wrenching on something every chance he gets. Lately has been ATVs in the back yard. He helps take them apart and does not put them back together right away. Imagine that. He seems to want a motorcycle too. Definitely a boy after your own heart.

Miss J, well she is doing ok. The other day she told me that she saw your dog and insisted it was yours. I didn't have the heart to tell her your dogs died before you did. She is finally going to get extra help with reading from the school. I get so frustrated with homework time. She tries, but she just doesn't get it. I remember the time you got frustrated with Jeffrey and shoved a peanut butter and jelly in his face because he just didn't get it. I haven't done that, but I have sent her to bed before homework was done because I lost my patience. She found your AA book in our basement the other day and was going to "read grandpa's book" for a book report. Yeah ok. She is going to do a dance class at church coming up. I guess it is a spiritual dance of sorts.

Chicky: You have never seen Chicky except from heaven. She is a spitting image of me. She sees your pictures and we talk about you often. She wanted a 4 wheeler for Xmas. Imagine that. Starting out young. She always can be caught with a screwdriver trying to take something apart.

The other girls, well, we talk about you and they ask about you and go to the cemetery with us. They haven't been exposed to dying and such. They don't understand. At church, they always pray that you watch over us and keep us safe. Miss G wishes that she was able to meet you and call you grandpa. Miss M well, she just kind of floats around with the rest of the kids. They do miss getting to know you. You would be proud of the kids regardless.

She lost out on you. We have lost out on having you see the kids, giving me away (mom did that though) .

Brother is in N.C. Boy is that a mess. He flew the coup and got the heck out of Dodge just like you always wanted to. He seems to be holding his own. We miss him very much. We are talking about moving to the mountains. Not Alabama as you wanted to go to, but out of here that is for sure.

I guess what it boils down to is this... I MISS YOU! Happy birthday Old Man! The Big 52.

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