Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Adios from work

I guess it is time to say goodbye to blogging from work. Boss lady (lets call her Martha) has really angered me to no end. Who really cares anyways?

She has crossed the line. I am certain if she can track the internet access from my computer she will have heart failure.

What right does Martha have to dig into personal stuff and then use it against you? She slithered her way to my office today. Asked how superdaddy was doing, girl scouts, boy scouts, and the kids. She then proceeded to tell me about her personal life with the kids and her new hubs. The witch then tells me I need to separate personal stuff with work stuff. Like personal conversations with other co workers (aka herself) and to tidy up my area from all the kid stuff (aka pictures). The "princess" that shares an office with me has a collage of pictures of her brats on the wall. Mine have been segregated to the cork board. Not to mention that Martha has pictures of her grand kids all over her door. Something about too many personal things happening at work. My personal life has taken over.

Perhaps her ball busting is the reason her assistant "Mary" is leaving. Martha tried to make Mary into a marionette puppet. She wanted Mary to spy on coworkers and report back to her. She busted Mary down last month after prompting Mary about home life (I found that out today). Seems to be a pattern.

Know of anyone who is hiring?

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