Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Now what did I do?

So now I feel absolutely terrible.

There is this girl in girl scouts with me. She told me last week or so that their family is broke and probably going to be moving soon. Dad is now a truck driver too and mom doesn't work. At the meeting, she wasn't wearing socks or anything. She is never clean and point blank, she is a "homely" child. Her mom is really nice. Her brother and sisters seem to run the hood taking care of themselves. Last week we got walloped with snow here and well, her little sister was outside in jeans and tank top. No coat, no boots. So why do I feel terrible?

They have girl scout cookies to the tune of $728. The money is due Thursday. Mom didn't answer the phone any of the bazillion times I called. I show up unannounced, no answer. I am terrified that our troop will have to pay the $728 and wait until the girl scouts go after mom for the money. That is like all of our profit.

I called mom today from work (shows up hospital on caller ID). She answered. She was shocked that it was me on the other end of the phone. She hasn't delivered all the cookies yet because she was in the hospital having a miscarriage.

I feel like a damn bill collector that I despise so much myself.

I guess we will see what happens when I go by there tonight.

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