Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Where has my life gone?

I guess the rollar coaster is about to do an about face and head in the opposite direction.

It was so difficult to get used to him being gone all week long. Just when I start to get used to it, he gets to come home more, but I still don't get to see him long. Just enough for me to make him dinner, wake him up, and send him out the door.

The last two weeks have killed me and my energy. I guess that is what happens when you have kids and get older. There has only been 2 days last week where I didn't have something to do. This week, I have to do something every single day after work. I think the only way I can get the house straightened up is to take a vacation from work.

This week I think we will probably have to eat out all week (not that we can really afford to) because there is really something going on each day of the week.


1 comment:

Lulu said...

I get so annoyed when we have plans after work for several days in a row! I want to go home and relax... (Which really means cook and clean)....