Friday, January 05, 2007

The latest Bull

Some people do not realize just how much their actions and lack of actions affect the children. Some do not understand that even though their child may not say it, they see and hear everything. Even children seek respect and in return give respect.

Interesting insight.

On new years eve, Miss Gwas trying to call DQ to wish her happy new years. DQ wasn't home. New years day, she wasn't home either (she said she had to work). Miss G was crying pretty good. DQ don't spend time with them and drops them off to visit so she can go out with her friends all the time. They were supposed to get picked up by 2. At 2, DQ called to say she would be there at 4. At 4 she called and didn't make it to get them until 4:30. DQ was with her ex-bf and didn't feel the necessity to get the girls at the time promised to them.

DQ is moving in with her ex boyfriend that the kids hate and is apparently getting married to him. YEAH!!! Feel bad for the kids, she has 4, 2 of which are my step kids. Oh yeah and the new house is almost 20 miles away. And she signed them up for Gymnastics that she has been promising them for almost 2 years (good thing), but I have to take them when they are with us (every weekend lately). One is at the butt crack of dawn...The other is right before dinner! Why can't anything be less than difficult.

I sure am glad my ex off'd when he did: that way I don't have to deal with his b.s. as well.

So lets go thru the week's schedule: Sunday: Church, Monday: church, Tuesday: Free day, Wednesday: Boy Scouts, Thursday: Free day, Friday: Girl Scouts, Saturday: Gymnastics 2 different times!

Oh yeah...And I work out of the home full time from 8-5 Monday thru Friday. I am a girl scout leader and I fill in for my husband who is a boy scout leader. And one more thing, my hubby is an over the road truck driver! As though I don't have enough to do.

I guess it comes with having 6 kids but damn I need a vacation!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is all I have to say... It's too bad the X- is like that to her own kids. It is true too that actions speak louder than kids.

Maybe karma will work in your favor with her (what comes around goes around). Since you are always the nice guy.

Lulu said...

Gosh we have so much in common! It's always the ex that gets to make the decisions that run the lives of the rest of us. Seems fair huh? Not!

I need a vacation too!!!