Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stolen from Beth

I stole this from Beth.

*i am annoyed by the temp I am training for my medical leave (she is very lazy and quite frankly not good at working).
*i want PIA to get a life and quit trying to make our lives miserable.
*i have to get ready for the baby to come. About 4 weeks left. Where has the time gone? Oh yeah, have to get ready for Christmas as well.
*i miss having adult conversations during the week except on the phone.
*i fear dying alone and leaving my children without their mother.
*i hear we will have the step children their whole break except for Christmas-eve. How convenient. Will see what happens at court December 30th.
*i search my soul for purpose at least twice a year.
*i wonder where my life would be now if I had birthed that baby at the age of 16.
*i regret a few things that obviously shaped me into who I am today.
*i love my family and life in general.
*i forgive when I need to. Just forgetting is that hard part.
*i ache to have my husband and my family whole during the week.
*i always tell my family everyday just how much I love them.
*i try to be patient and fair. Sometimes I am not very patient.
*i seem to have been dealing with PIA pretty well lately with all of her games.
*i know misery love company and I don't think I will join them.
*i feel I am in a very good place in life today. Ask me again tomorrow, it may change.
*i dance when no one is watching me.
*i dream of the future and the past quite a bit.
*i give with my whole heart whenever I get a chance.
*i listen most of the time open-minded.
*i sing when the radio is louder than my voice haha!
*i laugh at myself mostly, laughter is the best medicine.
*i can't stand people who use other people and their feelings as a doormat.
*i write when I need to get out some feelings.
*i cry mostly in the shower.
*i sleep wherever the sandman visits me at.
*i am at work and ready to have a longgggg vacation (maternity leave possibly?)
*i see snow coming to our area real soon. Could be a snow day tomorrow?
*i need a good back rub and about a weeks worth of sleep.
*i should really go get me some lunch and feed this baby already.

I tag all of you who have not done this already!!

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