Monday, December 01, 2008

Got some cheese?

I got the wine!!

So it has been a while since i posted. I have been in sort of a funk.

I am rather sad about the Gestational Diabetes diagnosis. Heck my finger tips hurt from all the poor poking they are getting. I missed out on stuffing and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving; but my numbers looked great. That is until this week. Like today my morning number was 99 (needs to be below 90) and my breakfast number was 123 (needs to be below 120). No one seems to understand just how sad and depressed I am about this and the fact that the holidays are here and I cannot indulge like everyone else. A simple cookie is out of reach!!!! And than to see my numbers makes all the sacrifices seem like it is all in vain. Will have to report to the dr tomorrow and see what they want to do. They said to give it a week and if the numbers are not there than insulin. Please dear insulin.

Another thing i have been dealing with is the whole "this baby is a female". I so wanted a boy and so did superdaddy. I did my whole "secret stork" exchange and was fine buying for a little girl. Truth be told, I was disappointed in what I received as a gift. Probably due to the fact that I put so much thought into the gift I gave. There were 13 or so mammas that didn't get gifts. I had indicated that I would probably help out in cases such as these. Guess what!!!??? I am paired with a girl who is due the same day I am. She is having my little boy and I am having her little girl. Her birthday is the same as bubbas birthday. How in the world do I think going to a store to buy a gift for a little guy is going to pan out? I want the little boy stuff to be for my son not someone elses.

1 comment:

Cynnie said...

dont be afraid of insulin..its not as terrible as all that ..and I'd rather take fast acting insulin than a pill any day..