Friday, November 07, 2008

Pet Lice

The ex sent the step kids over with pet lice in their hair again. I am so sick and tired of this shit. Now, a 30 week pregnant woman (me) is doing lice treatments with pestacides and spending an un-godly amount of time picking shit out of their hairs. Selfish Bitch.


Anonymous said...

So really, isn't it likely that the ex herself has lice? Eewww.

30 weeks? Only 10 more to go. Of course the last 10 are the most miserable from what I recall.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 daughters that attend an infested school who refuses to "check" more than 2-3 kids in a day. About 18 months ago, after much frustration, I decided to try something besides Nix, Rid, Ovide, etc...

They also do Ebay auctions occasionally, which end up about $10 cheaper than from main site. Company has 100%(385) feedback on Ebay. So far I've purchased it twice since I've discovered it and it has gone along way. I've handed out over half of my bottles to my childrens friends who parents can't rid them of it with Nix.

Good Luck!!!