Monday, November 17, 2008


The paperwork arrived in mail. She is requesting "supervised visitation at a police station" outside our home due to her children coming home with headlice. Oh yeah and ring worm.

Back up to last week. The kids came to my home with lice!! I treated them. I picked their hair. She sent them to school. I waited and called the school and they were there. I don't know if the school sent them home or not.

Ring worm is something new.

Somewhere on the papers it says "he switches 'court ordered visitation' without court permission. She sends them when she wants to.

To think, this is his weekend. We will see if she sends them or not.


Cynnie said...

Milenka said...

*hug* I'm sorry, sweetie. You guys are in my thoughts always, and I hope it works out. I hate how she uses those kids.