Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Life updates

So i failed my 1 hour glucose test. Got to do another 3 hour test. Fun days I tell ya.

Mom got her heat turned back on for the stellar price tag of $497.54. for a $197.54 bill. They made her put down $300 security deposit. Give me a break. The economy is terrible. If she was having a hard time paying $200 bill what the heck made them think it would be an easy task to come up with a security deposit.

Tuesday my mom's friend's car got repoed and she is using my moms car. My other sitter, her car got a hood through the front end. Friday, my car was hit in front of my moms house (mom is using the car) by a school bus. Can I cry UNCLE!! yet?

The girls did come for Halloween. We had a great time. I took the girls out and let Bubba go with his friends from school. We went by my father's parents house. The girls got so much lute it wasn't funny. In fact, each girl got more than Bubba did. We walked about 1 1/2 miles all together. I think i need to go see my grand parents more often.

We still have not heard back from the court what they will do about child support. I cannot keep worrying about it.

Hope every one's week is going well. I think I am coming down with something. My friend from high school has some major issues going on. Usually I go out on Halloween with her and her boys. She was in the hospital and I didn't want to be around her drunk husband so I went to my grandparents house. Turns out, her husband was too drunk to take her boys trick or treating. I feel like I let them down. sigh.

How do you get rid of a psycho girl who will not leave your son alone? She is driving me batty!!


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