Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Summer is over :(

Sure was nice to get out of the city for the holiday weekend. Next time, remind me to leave mother at home. She is going to cause me to have a stroke. I actually told her I was gonna leave her on I-75 if she didn't quit yelling at me about other drivers.

Today has been relatively quiet except for the ever so persistent mother hanging up the phone on me. My stress levels are through the roof. I actually think my blood pressure is up.

We told Miss G about the baby. She was so excited, telling everyone who would listen. Miss M didn't come camping. Apparently she was promised other things. Perhaps the second pair of gym shoes is what she was promised. Miss M got 2 brand spanking new pair of gym shoes. Miss G has Zero. Her PIA mother didn't think to get her a pair I guess.

Superdad confronted PIA about her moving yet again after we got home from camp. She tried to block my car in so Superdaddy couldn't leave. She was screaming and yelling to the point that Miss G didn't want to go anywhere with her mom. She wanting nothing to do with her and proceeded to tell Superdad that mom was acting a fool because she heard we were having another baby. Miss G got hysterical when he made her go with PIA after they went shopping to get gym shoes.

Than she demanded to know where Miss G's gym shoes were. She only asked for backpacks. The girls were scared to death they wouldn't have pencils for school. We provided them as well; and a few shirts. The wonderful mother they have been born to was less than appreciative of the book bags and such. She wanted shoes. Why did she get one 2 pairs and the other none?

How can parent's treat their children so different when they born them all? How can you possibly treat one like shit and one like a prince/princess? The reason the girls have both said is simply this: WELL MISS G LOOKS JUST LIKE DAD AND MISS M LOOKS JUST LIKE MOM. Tell me now, didn't she love Superdaddy at one time? What is wrong with her one child looking like him? Jealousy is UGLY!

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