Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hellofa Weekend

Where to begin...

Saturday we had a birthday party to go to for my aunt's father. Superdaddy found a truck to look at on line so we drove an hour away to look at said truck. The truck was perfect. We bought it, was 2 miles from the guys home and the damn thing broke down. Had to get the guy and return it to him. Poor guy has a broken down truck now. Was late to the party but things were ok.

Had to go to graduation party immediately after. Was sort of fun. Didn't hardly know anyone and to be quite frank, I was tired. We didn't stay long.

Bubba asked if he could stay the night at aunt's house. They said it was ok. We let him stay. Got a call around 2:30 am. Had to go pick him up. Why? Him and another child decided to go get a Slurpee and got stopped by police. Busted curfew and got themselves a big ass $125 ticket. My aunt and uncle were pissed. The child is lucky he is alive today. Trust me on that one.

Sunday the kids went to church with my mom and I was gonna stay home and get some much needed sleep. Didn't happen. We went to get Superdaddy's glasses fixed...my car broke down. Much to be said, should have went to church.

Yesterday was ready to go back to work. End of day bout 4:00 my mom calls me to tell me my cousin's kid beaned Chicky in head with wooden baseball bat on accident. She had a golf ball size lump on her forehead. Irony...they were playing golf with tennis ball and baseball bat. Cousin's kid told my mom she walked into the bat. Yeah.

This weekend we are heading to the sticks for some much needed R&R. Hopefully the girls will come early so we can get a jump start on the drive.

My friend Sarah had a terrible weekend and my heart breaks for her. She lost her baby to a miscarriage. She is heart broken.

Camie, I am planning on looking through my baby stuff to see what I need to get. I appreciate your offer and maybe taking you up on it. I will let you know.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week and weekend.


PrincessChan said...


You are just not having any luck with cars, are ya?

Sorry to hear about your friends baby. My heart goes out to her.

You guys need to move to Monroe! It's way better down here! It's so nice here. I love it. I miss L.P. a lot, but I really like living down here!

Much Love,

Martha's Reject

Camie Vog said...

Hey there! Really, let me know if you need anything. I have lots of girly clothes, and just in case, lots of boy stuff too. Toys, baby bath, exosaucer thingy, car seat carrier... bottles...the list goes on...