Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

The girls were sick this week. PIA only let them come over Saturday because it was the girl's birthday party. When Superdaddy went over their house on Friday, Miss G was only flushed but she was running around like a mad woman. Miss M was playing possum and clinging for attention to PIA. When PIA is nervous, she runs her mouth and boy does she spill it. For instance, she spilled that her fiancee (they are getting married 4/18 hopefully) does not indeed live in a trailer as she has insisted in the past. His parents own a trailer up north. He does not make $25 an hour driving a box truck he makes $11. She has applied for SSI disability due to a rare liver disease (from taking tyl.enol with codeine as a child) that enables her to sit on her butt because she don't want to work. She is capable of working as her liver is sick just not as sick as her hypocondriact-ness makes it out to be.

Saturday we got the papers in the mail to make Superdaddy official. Heaven forbid something happen to me before my children are old. SD will have to fight Superdaddy to have Bubba. He has not been a father for over 14 years. There has been no contact at all from SD except for an Email on Bubba's birthday since May 4, 2007 and that was a text message to tell me that his grandma died and that in fact was from his wife.

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter.

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