Monday, October 06, 2008

Ta Da...Outcome

Ya know, the beginning of the year, Superdaddy was 3900.00 in arrearages give or take some. Currently, he is 738.78 in arrearages. You do the math. She dragged him back to court. We don't have money coming out our noses or the other end if you know what i mean. Never mind she has not let the children come over since Labor day and that was only one child that came. She showed up in court today with her older two children. Shows class huh? She thinks her arrearages will be able to get them into a "purchasing a home" house. What the hell happened to the $3200 from previous payments?

Whatever. We have to come up with October payment and an additional $500 within 30 days or he goes to jail. Never mind it cost him half a paycheck to go to court today That right there could have been her $500.

Sonofa! I wouldnt be so darn bitter about it if she actually put forth an effort to raise them children. She has no job. Welfare and childsupport raise them children. I work so she can sit on her behind and take Superdaddy to court.

1 comment:

PrincessChan said...

CORI, you guys have to get an attorney! this girl is rolling over you and there is no explanation as to why the courts are letting her fuck you two in this way.

Get an attorney. YOu might be able to find one that will help pro bono. Please tell me you'll look into it.