Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Upcoming vacation

I think I need some help finding patience. I have absolutely none lately.

We have been planning for almost 2 months to go on vacation out west. Well, we meaning my aunt, grandmother and I. We have it all figured out food, lodging money and admissions and such and what happens to come along? DQ called last night and informed me her kids were going to go on vacation with me. Superdaddy has to work and man the house so it is a solo vacation of sorts.

Now, I invited Miss G and Miss M to go with us during the early planning phase. DQ was not impressed with me taking the girls out of state without superdaddy going. In fact, she was totally against it. The children and I (meaning Miss J, Bubba, and Chicky) quit discussing vacation around the other girls. When Chicky was 9 months old, we went to Disney with my grandma and DQ wouldn't let the other girls go that time either and boy was that a huge mess afterwards. Lots of hurt feelings and comments being made about loving them less because they couldn't go with us. DQ insists her children are not going under any circumstances.

Fast forward to last night on my way home from work. Phone rings. DQ asks me if I need their insurance cards. Hello I am the insurance carrier for them. I ask her what I needed them for. She informs me vacation. HUH? She wants dates we are leaving and returning. Miss G really wants to go and is mad DQ will not let her go. So my kids have some new outfits for school that my grandma bought them to take on vacation and use for school afterwards. Grandma got them their own special luggage. Miss G has nothing. I went and got Miss G and Miss M the same luggage last night. Heck they can use the luggage when we go camping as well. Well apparently, Miss M doesn't want to go. Her mommy will miss her too much. That is fine by me. Well as of 10pm last night, she convinced Miss M to go too so now they both will be going. So my $500 vacation money will not be enough for the gas, hotel, admission, food and souvenir's. Oh yeah and the last 4 times it has been our weekend with the girls, Miss M has been crying about missing Mommy and wanting to go home. We will see if things change between now and next Friday when we leave.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Seriously! How are you not BALD from pulling out your own hair??? OMG, I would have gone KOOKOO by now...if I were in your shoes!