Thursday, August 02, 2007


WTF is going on in today's world? WTF is a person like me supposed to do? WFT? WFT?

To hell in a hand basket is where my life is going. Something has got to give. I am afraid to ask what next. When Superdaddys father was in town a couple weeks back, we went out to dinner with him and got some insight about one of his children.

Superdaddy's mom has 3 kids; SD, J, and P. Superdaddy's dad has 7 kids: Superdaddy, J, P, D, M, J, C. A while back, D & M got into trouble with their mother and with the law and we had to go "rescue" them. They stayed with us even though things were not well with us financially. Hell we lived in a 2 bedroom mobile home with Superdaddy and myself, Bubba, Miss J, D, M, Dog, Cat, and Miss S, Miss G, and Miss M visiting every other weekend and I was pregnant with Chicky. Have I lost anyone yet?

When we moved, D moved in with Superdaddys mom (not D's mom) and shit hit the fan with us. Chicky was born, we didn't have a pot to piss in, and D stole from Superdaddy's business. Big time. M could see the shit D was pulling and pulled away from D. D ended up going into the service as soon as he knew we wouldn't let M get into trouble and such. After P hit my friends car, and that shit hit the fan, M was stuck in the middle. M eventually moved into P's house and we haven't heard much since. Fine and dandy. Things have gotten settled in our cozy 2 bedroom house with 2 basement bedrooms. Somehow or another, C is not doing well. I don't know all the details as of yet, but apparently she contracted lice and her mom's boyfriend went around telling everyone she had lice, and they would not get her treatment for it. She is a teenager and some shit like that could be devastating to any child let alone a teenager. Superdaddy asked that C call him and talk directly. She may end up coming to stay with us for a while until Superdaddy's father can come back to the state. Now what? We are struggling and trying to stay afloat. How the hell are we going to afford another teenager to feed, and clothe, and house? And to think, we talked about having another baby in the near future. Sheesh. My teenager scares the shit out of me and possibly 2 teenagers?!?!?!?

Some people should not be allowed to breed. For shit's sake, the mom has 6 kids, the oldest being almost 21 and the youngest being 3 or so. Why is it that superdaddy has to raise his father's kids? I am tired of being the responsible one. The one to take care of everyone else. The kids' mother thinks when they are 13 or so they can raise themselves. WFT????


Amy Ritchie said...

you do not know me. I found your page from the Steece blog. I was surprised to see that you say you are involved in church.....and then the the language in this post. I am afaid to ask what church you go to.

concerned. I too go to church and am a 27 year old wife to a youth pastor. Just wondering if you would like to help me understand where you are coming from.

you can write me at

Lulu said...

Wow! What a mess!!!!! But I do have to pat you on the back for helping with C. Even though things are already tight, she obviously needs you guys.

Good luck with TWO teenagers!!!

Cynnie said...

oh lord..
there's worse things than cursing when you're frustrated..