Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who needs to work? There is welfare!

Someone who does not have a job needs to quit bitching about money and get off her fat ass and get a job. Superdaddy works night and quits driving at like 4 am or so. PIA has the common courtesy to dial up the phone at the butt crack of dawn at 8:30 am and cuss him out about income tax returns. Bitch needs to wait her damn turn and let the IRS have their turn first. She is supposed to get married this weekend, looks like the tax return didn't come in time to pay for the wedding so they may have to postpone it. BUMMER! Bitch needs to get the girls beds before she pays for the wedding.

She told him she is taking him back to court because he has $3,000 in back child support to pay. I told Superdaddy we would fix her ass and quit sending in payments until she drags him back to court so we could have bail money. Just get a money order weekly for his payment and take it with him. If you want things in life and to go places in life you need to work at a job not sit on your ass and collect welfare and child support. Everyone knows, it takes 2 incomes to raise a child (or 4 in her case) and apparently, she doesn't have to work. She must be the exception to the rule.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Someone needs a reality check huh?

My poor sister raises her two children off of one income, no child support, and no welfare. Whats best is that you will never hear her complain about it!