Monday, October 26, 2009

Stupid song!

What the heck is wrong with me? How can a simple song bring back so many vivid memories? Memories of you. Do you have memories? Do the memories make your heart flutter and pulse race?

I regret not keeping in touch with you. Do you regret this too?

I regret not being able to contact you now. How about you?

I regret not trying sooner. ??

So many memories. So hard to explain...until that song. Than it all flooded back in. Your lips, your smell, your tenderness, your forbidden-ness, the secret, the chase, the sneaking around, then the spoiler and surprise.


Beth said...

oooh, thats so not fair....

But yes...a song, a smell, a touch...can bring all those things back in a rush.

Anonymous said...

hi,me too remember memories so vividly through songs,sometimes it brings back hidden pains ought to be forgotten.